Project: thefool.com
Description: Promotional website for Victoria Regina Tarot.
Developed site from start to finish, including all illustrations, DHTML foldout menus, and database application using Access and active server pages.
Project: North Carolina Rural Economic Development Center, Inc.
Description: Content-rich website for statewide nonprofit organization.
Design, illustration and HTML production including PDF files from Quark Xpress documents, front end of "Resource Guide" database application, and creation and maintenance of extranet project site.
Project: Stoneline Designs Inc.
Description: Promotional site for manufacturer of fine furniture.
Developed site from start to finish.
Project: ToxicBoss.com
Description: Promotional site for speaker/coach.
Developed site from start to finish, including multiple surveys using active server pages.
Project: IBM System Installation Toolkit
Description: CD-based HTML site for installation and support of software product.
Design, "toolkit" photograph and illustration, HTML production.
Project: Networking Enterprises
Description: Promotional website for Internet development firm.
Developed site from start to finish, including logo design.
Project: Ipas
Description: Promotional website for international non-profit women's health organization.
Developed site from start to finish, including creation of PDF documents from Quark Xpress files, and maintaining site in three languages.
Project: Intercare 21st
Description: Promotional website for author/consultant. Developed site from start to finish, including logo design, illustration of services icons, Flash, and survey using active server pages.
Project: Long Term Care Education
Description: Educational site on US licensure requirements for long term care administration.
Developed site from start to finish, including server-side includes to manage extensive content.
Project: Future Healthcare site
Description: Promotional website for healthcare management software company.
Design, HTML production, DHTML pop-up menus.
Project: Squatweiler
Description: Website for punk rock band.
Developed site from start to finish.
Project: 308west.com
Description: Site provides online ordering of networking services for apartment building.
Developed site from start to finish, including logo design.
Project: Susan Sommer
Description: Promotional site for real estate agent.
Developed site from start to finish.
Project: United Bank
Description: Promotional site for international banking firm.
Developed site from start to finish, including logo design and Flash.
Project: funnystrange.com
Description: Personal website. The site you are viewing now.
Developed site from start to finish, including "face" illustration.